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ISO 11057 Reference Filter Tester


Testing of cleanable filter media


Standard test apparatus according to:


Testing at ambient conditions (standard)



standard rig

preparing a test

pressure drop and pulse

Heated Filter Tester

Testing of cleanable filter media
Test apparatus as Reference Tester (see above)

Includes all features for ambient conditions as above

but additionally equiped for testing at high temperature conditions

  • heated version for temperatures up to 200 °C
  • heated version for temperatures up to 350 °C
  • on special request temperatures up to 650 °C



PM2.5 Measurement

Testing of cleanable filter media

Additional equipment (package) for standard or heated version of filter tester

Equiped for PM2.5 measurements

  • using cyclones (e. g. VSCC - Very Sharp Cut Cyclone by BGI Inc.)
  • optical devices, e. g. Optical Aerosole Spectrometers (OAS)



Reverse-flow Filter Tester

Testing of cleanable filter media

Additional equipment (package) for standard or heated version

Equiped for REVERSE-flow cleaning



Dust Feeding and Dispersing

Dust feeding and dispersing unit NDF 100
  • with rotating brush dispersing for small dust mass flows
  • with injector for bigger dust mass flow
  • with volumetric feeding
  • with gravimetrically controlled feeding on demand
  • with feeding controlled following a photometer signal on demand


CCM - Concentration Control Module


In filter testing a well defined and constant dust concentration in the dirty gas upstream of the filter sample is essential


CCM - Concentration Control Module

In connection with our laser-photometer the new device is made to compensate for the changes in volumetric feeding and/or 
for deposition of dust crusts within the screw and stabilize the dust concentration on the dirty-gas side of the filter test rig


Supply and Control Units with Data Acquisition

Supply and Control Units with Data Acquisition

The use of our Supply and Control Units (SCUs) are not limited to our filter tester but can be applied to operate a large variety of installation, e.g. laboratory test rigs of all kind, industrial installations, etc. 

Our software MeLab is a multifunctional tool which allows to operate these installation and also provides complete Data Acquisition and storage.

MeLab is operated with out specific knowledge of programming but by using Protocols and Scripts which require very simple commands only.


Absolute Filter ISO 5011

Absolute filter according to ISO 5011 for clean gas measurements in filter test stand for engine intake
  • multiple use of the analytical filter
  • immense time saving compared to the widely used round flat filters
  • no dismounting of test installation for weighing


Fast Pressure Measurements


Fast operating differential pressure transducers

  • for the measurement of pressure pulses in filter elements (e. g. bags, candles) during cleaning or
  • to analyse the cleaning system including pressure tank and air ducts